Wednesday, July 21, 2010

how to got Gastroesophageal reflux?

GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD) refers to anti-gastric contents into the esophagus causing symptoms and (or) complications of a disease. According to statistics, 10-20% in Western countries have gastroesophageal reflux symptoms, GERD accounted for 14-17% of them, our prevalence is lower than in Western countries, and less severe. The incidence of GERD increases with age to 40-60 years as the peak incidence between men and women roughly the same.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease can be divided into three types

1, non-erosive reflux disease (NERD): there is reflux-related symptoms, but no endoscopic Barrett esophagus and esophageal mucosal damage;

2, erosive esophagitis (EE): endoscopic mucosal damage seen in the distal esophagus;

3, Barrett's esophagus (BE): The complex layer of esophageal squamous metaplasia of the epithelium is replaced by a pathological phenomenon, with or without IM, intestinal metaplasia. One associated with a specific intestinal metaplasia are precancerous lesion of esophageal adenocarcinoma.

Circumstances prone to gastroesophageal reflux disease?

◆ age, gender :40-60-year-old gastroesophageal reflux disease are more likely to occur, including reflux esophagitis (RE) more than the male, male to female ratio of about 2 to 3:1;

◆ Smoking, eating too much salt: a report of Sweden, smoking and excessive intake of salt may occur gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) symptoms, risk factors, dietary fiber and physical activity is protective against reflux effect.

◆ body mass index (BMI = weight kg divided by the square of height m, the normal weight BMI index = 18 ~ 25) increase: the Norwegian scientists have published a study that compared with lean individuals with physical compared to obese, especially women, acid reflux, chronic significantly increased risk.

◆ Excessive drinking: alcohol on the stomach, esophagus continued to stimulate increased risk of suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease.

◆ aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-cholinergic drugs.

◆ manual: in particular, heavy physical labor.

◆ social factors, psychosomatic disease and family history.

Knowledge base of reflux symptoms - symptoms associated with reflux

1, typical and common symptoms: heartburn and regurgitation. Heartburn, retrosternal feeling that there is self-burning, anti-influenza, that is, they have the stomach contents of patients to the direction of movement of the throat or mouth feel.

2, no typical symptoms: upper abdominal pain, chest pain, belching, bloating, abdominal discomfort, foreign body sensation in the throat, swallowing pain, difficulty swallowing

3, esophageal symptoms: chronic cough, reflux, laryngitis, asthma, tooth decay and other related syndrome confirmed with gastroesophageal reflux disease, and pharyngitis, sinusitis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, recurrent otitis media is gastroesophageal reflux disease may be related.

Listed above reflux-related symptoms, if not negative impact on patient quality of life, not as a basis for the diagnosis of GERD.

How do I know if suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease?

1, see symptoms

(1) typical symptoms of heartburn and regurgitation, clinically considered a gastroesophageal reflux disease;

(2) esophageal symptoms (reflux related cough, asthma, laryngitis, tooth decay, etc.) there reflux symptoms could be considered anti-flow-related or may be related to esophageal symptoms;

(3) endoscopy has been widely carried out in China, on patients attending general be carried out before endoscopy is feasible to shorten the diagnosis time.

(4) is not a function of burning them?

Functional heartburn patients have heartburn symptoms, but the lack of reflux is causing the symptoms of the evidence that endoscopy without esophageal mucosal injury, 24-hour pH testing real acid reflux negative symptom index and the PPI experimental treatment negative (but positive results can not exclude functional heartburn).

2, so check

(1) diagnostic test (PPI)

The proton pump inhibitor (PPI) diagnostic treatment method has proven to be effective, concrete method is: optional omeprazole, lansoprazole and other drugs, a standard dose of PPI, 2 times / d, treatment 1 to 2 weeks, if symptoms improved after medication, the support of gastroesophageal reflux disease; such as symptom improvement after taking the obvious, there may be factors other than acid reflux disease, or does not support.

(2), gastroscopy

Gastroscopy and histopathology diagnosis of EE, and Barrett's esophagus gold standard.

(3) pathological

Starting from the gastroesophageal junction biopsy drawn up for the conventional materials should take 2cm intervals, on the inter-change or suspected cancer of the BE should be drawn to 1 cm intervals should be at four quadrant biopsy, ulcer, erosion, plaques, nodules and other cavity narrow exceptions, have to biopsy.

(4) 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring

24-hour esophageal pH monitoring is the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux has the best qualitative and quantitative examination method, pH <4 for determining the existence of the limits of counter-flow point, pH <4 time called reflux, is a clinical application The most extensive anti-flow variables. The examination method in the diagnosis of erosive esophagitis positive rate> 80%, NERD patients was 50% to 75%. Among them, the wireless esophageal pH monitoring can provide more long acid reflux test, get a higher positive rate.

Schematic diagram of 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring

(5) Other inspections

Such as X ray and radionuclide, reflux monitoring, esophageal acid irrigation checks, new endoscopic technologies such as chromoendoscopy, magnifying endoscopy, light-induced fluorescence endoscopy and light scattering spectroscopic techniques and so on.

After the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease how to do?

Treatment goals: heal esophagitis, relieve symptoms and improve quality of life and prevent complications.


1, changes in lifestyle

Raise the bed, not eating 3 hours before bedtime; avoid high-fat foods; quit tobacco and alcohol, diet.

2, drug therapy

Drugs inhibiting gastric acid secretion - is the basic method of treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease: inhibition of gastric acid drugs, including H2-receptor antagonist (H2RA) and PPI, etc. The goal of treatment, 18 hours pH> 4. Including increased acid suppression and strong acid-suppressing two strategies, the former slow onset, long course and often require repeated and repeated endoscopic treatment, while the latter rapid onset, short duration, can reduce the number and attendance endoscopy times.

Prokinetic drug therapy - can be used as adjuvant treatment for acid suppression drugs, such as domperidone (Motilium) and so on.

Mucous membrane of medicine - no status

Psychological treatment and antidepressants - can be used in patients with NERD

3, surgical treatment

Surgery in relieving symptoms and healing of esophagitis and the role of drug therapy rather, complications and mortality and surgeon experience and skill levels are closely related, a considerable proportion of patients (11% -60%) was still drug addition, surgery can not reduce the risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma. The need for surgery, should be combined with the wishes of patients and surgeons Decisions are made.

4, endoscopic therapy

Endoscopic treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease symptom score can be improved, improve patient satisfaction and quality of life and reduce the amount of PPI; but endoscopic treatment does not solve many problems, including: long-term efficacy, patient acceptability and security, ease symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease is effective and so is not typical, and, occasionally endoscopic treatment of serious complications such as perforation and death, but rare, well-trained doctors are careful endoscopic conduct of endoscopic treatment.

Ray's Stretta radiofrequency therapy: Ray's Stretta treatment instrument through the tiny probe will be sent to radio frequency energy and gastric cardia lower esophageal sphincter muscles of the upper layer, so that they have some muscle contraction. The contraction in seven days after the formation of life-long change.

Endoscopic surgery: for the patients with dysplasia and mucosal carcinoma in BE patients, and endoscopic ultrasonography excluded the lymph node metastasis.

Early warning signals of gastric cancer

In the early gastric cancer is often no specific symptoms, along with the gradual development of cancer affecting gastric function, symptoms began to stand out. Even so, these symptoms are non-specific gastric cancer, often associated with gastritis, peptic ulcer and other chronic stomach similar to the stomach and even the general medicine service can be eased, but there are clues to be found. Early gastric cancer mainly in the following signals:

First, the stomach pain. Only when the beginning of a sense of epigastric discomfort, or bloating feeling, and sometimes chest aches, often mistaken for gastritis or ulcer disease, particularly cancer, gastric antrum, duodenum can often lead to functional change in the regular pain.

Second, loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue. Often the first symptom of gastric cancer, accounting for about 40%.

Third, nausea and vomiting. Early may be the only fullness and nausea, symptoms are mainly caused by gastrointestinal disorders caused by tumors.

Fourth, bleeding and melena. This symptom of early gastric cancer accounted for 20% of elderly people who no stomach the event of a black history should be alert to the possibility of gastric cancer.

Fifth, there is tenderness on the abdomen.

Three remedies of civil chronic gastritis

CSG about 80% of chronic gastritis, it is a chronic inflammation of superficial gastric mucosa, diagnosed at the age of 31 to 50 years old. Clinically, the majority of asymptomatic patients with chronic superficial gastritis or symptoms of a minor nature, may have varying degrees of indigestion, epigastric discomfort after eating. Some patients have symptoms of upper abdominal pain, and more related to diet and fasting more comfortable, feel sick after eating. Regular consumption of cold, hard or spicy food stimulation evoked pain may also be due to cold or emotional symptoms of poor increased.


1, take the fish one (weighing about 250 grams), ginger 30 grams, 10 grams of orange peel, pepper, 3 g salt a little. Gills of the carp to the scales and intestinal mixed. Wash; ginger, orange peel and other clean chopped, loaded with bags and pepper, fill the belly, the add water, simmer a small fire and cooked. Fasting fish soup.

2, take 150 grams of pig stomach, ginger 15 grams, 3 grams of cinnamon, salt amount. The pig stomach wash, put in bowl or ceramic containers in the. Adding ginger, cinnamon, salt and water amount, ranch cooked. Gastronomic food, Decoction and eating stomach, 2 times finished.

3, take a pigeon, Chinese yam 30g, Amomum 15 grams, ginger 5 grams, 10 grams of pepper, salt amount. Pigeon slaughter will go to hair and internal organs, washed with boiling oil and ginger burst to yellowish; yam, pepper, washed, put together with the pigeon casserole, add the appropriate amount of water, stir to boil first, then switches to Small simmer for 2 hours, then add broken villosum, and then stew for 15 to 20 minutes, add salt seasoning. Gastronomic food.

Folk remedies

1, taking 15 grams of coke hawthorn, Corydalis 9 grams, 12 grams Cyperus rotundus, water simmer in water. 1 day, 2 times service.

2, take the North Radix 30 g, 30 g yam medicine. Will littoralis, yam and medicine were washed chopped, with wok, add water, first dipping 2 hours, 40 minutes and then boiled, the juice: residue add water and then boiled for 30 minutes, to slag juice , merge the two concoction. Services a day, morning and evening 2 pm temperature service.

3, take coke Hawthorn, The Divine Comedy coke, coke malt, fried Fructus the 10 grams of coke nut, Magnolia, Gallus gallus, blue, woody the 6 grams, water simmer in water. 1 day, 2 times service.

Massage Therapy

1, the patient supine position to the epigastric point of a circle, with the palm roots in the upper abdomen (navel to the xiphoid) to do Mount gently moving clockwise, about 3 minutes to warm abdominal feel is appropriate. Then with both hands, pinch the sides of each rectus abdominis muscle (near the midline before the opening of about 3 cm of the longitudinal muscle), from top to bottom slowly raised to take about 2 minutes. Finally Rouan Tianshu, stomach Yu, Zusanli to tingling feeling is appropriate, about 2 minutes.

2, the patient sitting or supine. Patients who take their side, one hand holding the hands of patients, the other hand thumb, index finger points placed in the patients with customs, foreign customs point on the relative force squeeze 1 to 2 minutes. Hands alternately and treatment, force size should be depending on the patient can tolerate the degree. Operation before the treatments were to repair flat nails, to avoid skin injury. This method can also be self-operation patients.


1, people with chronic gastritis, daily meals should be timely and quantitative, to avoid fullness or hunger, frequent meals is better food to. Eat more protein and vitamin rich, waste less food. Avoid eating spicy food, such as tea, coffee, pepper, pepper, curry and so on. Patients with chronic gastritis should be minimal or did not eat fried food, fried food.

2, smoking and heavy drinking may trigger and aggravate symptoms of chronic gastritis, therefore, should quit alcohol limit.

3, tension, anxiety, fear, negative emotions in the pathogenesis of chronic gastritis and plays an important role. Who has been in the work of personnel in the state of high tension. Stomach problems than the general population incidence Jing; emotions can affect appetite, bad mood often no appetite to eat, then eating is often difficult to digest. Therefore, the chronic gastritis patients in their daily lives should be kept happy. Emotional stability.

4, irregular life, personal time to time or too tired, lack of sleep is one of the reasons the incidence of chronic gastritis, and weather changes unexpectedly, catching the wet-induced disease is an important reason. Patients should be based on the nature of their work, patterns of life, develop a work schedule, and as far as possible to comply with the Executive. At the same time. Appropriate physical exercise to enhance physical fitness.

Recommended diet programs of different stomach

Talking about the treatment of stomach, almost everyone heard a word "rule 3, 7 points to support", that is, the maintenance of normal eating life is particularly important on the stomach. Diet now cure stomach ailments of all sorts, but not indiscriminately eat, to "pigeon-holing", that is, to choose their own symptoms, otherwise, not only will not achieve therapeutic effects, there may be double hurt your stomach! Well, what a Food is the most suitable for you? Please below for 11 typical cases to control it!

Case 1: Archer, M, 34 years old, sales manager, 172cm, only 107 kg. Archie with chronic superficial gastritis 6 years, or too tired each time when the rest a bad stomach will attack, attack or fullness of feeling epigastric pain, loss of appetite, then eat something easy to abdominal distention, often feel lassitude, pale tongue proper comparison, the pulse is weak.

Recommended: Codonopsis jujube tea

- Codonopsis 15 grams, jujube 10, Citrus 3 grams. The last three herb soup, on behalf of the tea. 2 times a day, 7 days a course of treatment.

Analysis: The Case of Archie is typical of spleen and stomach type stomach, you need to supplement the spleen and stomach. Codonopsis is widely used in clinical medicine qi, functional spleen Yifei, while for the weaker effect in recent ginseng is suitable for all kinds of qi is insufficient; Jujube also known as red dates, dates, can Buzhongyiqi, nourishing sedative for those of weak stomach; Citrus Qi pain, spleen, and in not only benefit the spleen and stomach, but also qi, relieve stomach pain. 3 herb together, play together Spleen Stomach, anti-inflammatory analgesic effect, indications of chronic gastritis. Archie usually can drink barley porridge, or congee Huai Shan them soup, can play up the role of the spleen and stomach.

Case 2: Hill, M, 26 years old employees. 1 year ago found that chronic gastritis, each having a cold, catch cold after the attack, attack of stomach pain, diet sluggish, out of sorts, but drinking warm water, warm clothes, the stomach can be relieved, tongue white, taut pulse.

Recommended: cinnamon porridge japonica

- Cinnamon last 1 to 2 grams, 100 grams of japonica rice, sugar amount. Research into the first go-cinnamon; then rice, sugar and sand were placed inside, plus boiled as porridge, and then take 1 to 2 grams of cinnamon at the end, transferred to porridge, the switch to a slow boil, adjust the cease-fire to be porridge can. Fasting early dinner warm water.

Resolution: cinnamon fill the fire yang, dispel cold pain, warm in the stomach, can ease the trusted Leng Tong, cold Tuxie embolism, it is the nature of partial heat, if not cold stomach of patients, Please Do not eat; cold stomach in the hot summer days when we should also appropriately eat. Japonica rice that we eat is the staple food of the people in southern China, ancient medical works on rice recorded a "fill the stomach, raising five internal organs, strong air force" effect. Cinnamon and rice porridge to drink, you can warm up in the stomach, causing problems and pain relief, attending spleen Deficiency Type chronic gastritis.

The hills in this case is a typical cold stomach type stomach, so in addition to eating cinnamon japonica rice porridge can appropriately to eat yang foods, such as lamb, beef, chicken, carp, ginger, scallion stalk, clove, pepper and so on. However, patients with ulcer of stomach or can not eat more food warm in nature, so as not to increase the body's heat.

Case 3: Lulu, female, 21 years old, college students, the first stomach of a half a year ago in the afternoon, the day arguing with her boyfriend, she cry, hunger after a meal, the stomach began to pain and acid reflux , feel depressed, eat a little bit after stomach relief. Since then, Lulu every time as long as an angry or bad mood, stomach would immediately attack.

Recommended: Rose Tea

- Dried rose buds or petals to take 5 grams, with the water brewing tea with 5-10 minutes of future generations, can add sugar or honey.

Analysis: Rose has Shugan Jieyu, the effectiveness of qi and stomach. "Supplement to Compendium of Materia Medica" records that roses can be "treatment of liver and stomach gas pains." In addition, the roses on the women of my friends, there is more beauty, such as lipid-lowering diet, soothing beauty and so on, it's the role of qi and blood of women of dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation particularly effective. Note that: Rose can not join the other bubble tea, or efficacy will be lost, and that excessive menstrual women in the menstrual period not to drink rose tea, hot people whose bodies tend to drink less.

This case, Lulu mood disorders or angry because every time when the stomach pain flared up, typical of liver Fan Wei, therefore suitable for drinking rose tea, but can also use betel nuts, citron, orange peel, bergamot, etc. Traditional Chinese medicine to qi soup congee. Usually can eat some black fungus Pork, as black fungus with air-conditioning in vivo efficacy.

Case 4: Miss aunt, 44-year-old housewife. 10 years ago was diagnosed with chronic atrophic gastritis, often a burning stomach pain, mouth pain, upset, stool often dry; often will be a sudden onset of stomach pain after exertion. Aunt Wu ate a lot of this medicine, but good times and bad.

Recommended: bean powder pig gold

- Pig gall 1, 100 grams of beans, soybeans release pig gall, the Baptist 24 hours, remove the dry, grinding them into fine powder. Daily for 3 times, each 1 gram.

Resolution: pig biliary cold, heat can be diarrhea, pain and heart, liver and gallbladder can be removed the fire. Soy is appropriate to use the benefit weak food, our ancient medical books that soy has BNI, spleen width, the fitness rather heart, large intestine, under Lee, moistening effect of water consumption. The pig bile soaked soy beans, not only to anger, but also spleen Stomach, liver and stomach diarrhea ultimately clear the role of the fire. As the pig biliary cold, so cold stomach symptoms are not suitable for eating.

Aunt Wu in this case, may be due to the regular qi flow, and over time it is easy to translate into the fire, or on the side of her own body heat, get angry easily into the fire after the liver, anger is too busy, affecting the stomach . Therefore peacetime should also eat plenty of bitter cold Xiehuo food, such as bitter gourd, bitter herbs, Jue vegetables, wax gourd, pumpkin, watermelon, water chestnuts, celery, radish, mustard, etc..

Case 5: Lee Master, 46-year-old driver. More than 20 years with stomach problems, good times and bad, often feel stomach aches, hungry, not when you want to eat, often dry mouth and throat, to keep water, stool often secret knot. Red tongue, less tongue fur, fine and rapid pulse.

Recommended: Adenophora bowl of soup

- Take North Radix 30 g, erythroderma, 2 eggs, crystal sugar. Will Adenophora cut into small pieces, egg wash, add water, amount Gong Zhu, taken 10 minutes after the water boiling eggs, shelled, let the soup cook, and add rock sugar, 5 minutes Serve. Hot soup to drink, eat eggs. 1 day, once every 1 month.

Lay students stomach "Battle"

Reporter learned that patients with stomach is becoming younger age trends, statistics, primary and secondary students of gastric disease has been as high as 53% probability, a key senior high school student, surnamed Wang, told reporters: "One on the Middle School, immediately facing the entrance pressure, sometimes compressed the time to learn eating and sleeping. recently often not to the noon meal, the stomach began to ache. "

Analysis of digestive disease specialists, long-term stress is too large, irregular eating and living is the main reason was the stomach, although primary and secondary students in recent years has been in reducing the burden, but as society becomes even more competitive, as well as by the formation of the mode of education for many years influence thinking, they still face in school, family and social pressures of school life is very tense, diet and sleep is not the law, over time, will inevitably have to stomach. Therefore, experts advise parents who have to pay attention to children's diet and patterns of life, but also from time to time, and they talk about their ideas, reduce their psychological stress, if the child has been suffering from stomach problems, do not Lanfu stomach, to be used science stomach rehabilitation methods for the timely complementary biological gastric mucus.

The incidence of stomach more than the law caused by the diet. Boarding students, especially new students joined the school, because school life habits and different ways of living at home, eating habits have changed, a higher incidence of stomach. According to the survey, resident students have the stomach causes are:

1, eat too fast. Canteen for collective, combined with intense learning, some students eat too fast. This tension makes good food without chewing digestion in the stomach causing the burden.

2, eat too much. As students with poor self-control, hard to eat a delicious meal, so that people can suddenly appear incremental expansion of the stomach caused by stomach trouble.

3, food processing less familiar. School canteens due to many factors, sometimes rice cooked phenomena occur, such as too much of that food into the rice, can also cause damage arising from gastric stomach.

4, emotional stress. As early school did not completely adapt to school life, easy to cause insomnia, anxiety, etc., resulting in stomach acid endocrine dysfunction, causing stomach problems.

5, excessive food cold. Some students love cool stuff, especially violent sports, the systemic blood flow faster, the stomach caused by the sudden cold stimulation gastric spasm, lack the stomach cause stomach damage.

6, after dinner to do strenuous exercise can also lead to stomach. In order to prevent live-in students suffering from stomach trouble, students to eat too fast, do not devour, the Health and cold food, but the amount immediately after a meal does not do strenuous activities; to correct unhealthy living behavior (smoking, drinking, eating unclean, personal impermanence, etc. ); develop science and eating habits (not picky eaters, partial eclipse, overeating, eating unclean food and water, do not neglect breakfast); compliance with drinking water, food and health system institutions; to strengthen self-psychological adjustment, early life stress to adapt to the school.

Got stomach diet, we should note the following 11 principles:

1. Eat less fried foods: these foods can not be easily digested because it will increase the digestive burden, eating causes indigestion, but also to lipid increased adverse health.

2. Eating pickled foods: These foods contain more salt and some may be carcinogenic, should not eat.

3. Eat cold food spicy food: the food cold and irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa strong strong stimulus can trigger diarrhea or digestive tract inflammation.

4. Laws of diet: Research shows that regularly eating, regular quantitative, can form a conditioned reflex, contribute to the secretion of digestive gland, but also conducive to digestion.

5. Rationing: each meal should be moderate food intake, three meals a day regularly, to the specified time, whether you hungry, should take the initiative to eat, avoid too hungry or too full.

6. Suitable temperature: the temperature of food should be "not hot is not cool" for the degree.

7. Chewing food thoroughly: to reduce the burden on the stomach. Adequately chew food more times, with the attendant secretion of saliva is also more, a protective effect on the gastric mucosa.

8. Water timing: the best time to water is early morning meal before fasting and 1 hour for each meal, water will dilute the gastric juice, rice with soup with the soup will also affect the digestion of food.

9. Note that cold: cold stomach, the stomach will cause functional impairment, it should pay attention not to catch cold stomach warm.

10. Avoid stimulating: No smoking, because smoking stomach vasoconstriction, affecting gastric parietal cells in the blood supply to the decrease induced gastric mucosal resistance. Should be less drinking, eating chili, pepper and other spicy food.

11. Supplementary vitamin C: Vitamin C has a protective effect on the stomach, gastric fluid to maintain normal levels of vitamin C, can effectively function of the stomach, the stomach to protect the stomach and enhance disease resistance. Therefore, to eat more vegetables rich in vitamin C and fruit.

As parents, the children should be a reasonable standard diet, follow these 11 principles and its patterns of life, but also the role of a friend and they often talk about their ideas, reduce their psychological stress. If the child has been suffering from stomach problems, do not Lanfu stomach, when the timely medical treatment.

Students in the treatment of stomach

General treatment

1, normal diet should avoid rough, strong spicy and hot food to minimize gastric irritation. Eat more fresh vegetables, fruit, eat less or eat as much as possible smoked, pickled food, reducing salt intake.

2, life must have rules, regular diet, not eating too fast, to avoid over-fed hunger.

3, to rational use of drugs, do not eat or eat less of the stomach to stimulate the drug.

4, stable mood, relieve anxiety.

Drug therapy

First of all, talk about the drug treatment of chronic gastritis. The treatment of chronic superficial gastritis mainly symptomatic treatment. Can be used according to different conditions:

1, H. pylori eradication therapy are needed, can be used bismuth preparations or proton pump inhibitor + triple therapy composed of two antibiotics, treatment 7 to 14 days.

2, protection of gastric drugs: colloidal bismuth, sucralfate, Kyrgyzstan Law esters, such Marzulene-S.

3, acid drugs: mainly aluminum magnesium carbonate, calcium carbonate, aluminum hydroxide compound such.

4, inhibition of gastric acid secretion of drugs: H2 receptor antagonist cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine, etc., proton pump inhibitors omeprazole, lansoprazole and so on.

5, the promotion of intestinal motility drugs: metoclopramide, domperidone, cisapride, mosapride and so on.

General treatment of arrangements 4 to 6 weeks, a drug treatment fails, they can use or add another drug to use, not in the same drug combination selected.

Turn to the ulcer medication:

1, Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy: Helicobacter pylori-positive patients treated with antibiotics, the program with the former.

2, acid suppression drugs: H2 receptor antagonist cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine, etc., proton pump inhibition.

Formulations of omeprazole, lansoprazole. These drugs need medication treatment of gastric ulcer 6 to 8 weeks, duodenal ulcer need medication 4 to 6 weeks.

3, acid drugs: mainly aluminum magnesium carbonate, calcium carbonate, aluminum hydroxide compound such.

4, strengthening the mucous membrane of the drug. Commonly used are: colloidal bismuth, sucralfate, Kyrgyzstan Law ester, Marzulene-S.

Students to prevent stomach problems, the key is to reduce stress, a scientific diet and a regular life. Attention to emotional, physical activity, enhance physical fitness. Develop good eating habits of life, to avoid overeating and irritating drugs, food, attention to patterns of life, work and rest, to avoid all kinds of triggers.

Toothpaste also can prevent chronic gastritis

Fudan University yesterday came news that the school has successfully developed China's first non-dry brush dampened with water toothpaste, the toothpaste has now passed the Institute of Stomatology, Shanghai, clinical validation. It is the Chinese people developed their own production of the first type of toothpaste dry brush effect.

According to reports, which toothpaste "leading role" for the biological activity of enzyme "FE", it has bactericidal, anti-infective, repair tissue and other unique features. Studies have shown, "FE" on more than 400 kinds of bacteria killing and bacteriolysis suppression role, especially for H. pylori significantly inhibited and killed the feature. FE FE frequently used toothpaste or oral spray, not only can solve a series of oral questions, but also the prevention and treatment of chronic gastritis helpful.

After the Shanghai Institute of Stomatology, 6 months of clinical trials, the toothpaste has antibacterial, anti-calculus, caries, significant improvement in gingival bleeding, relieve symptoms and reduce gingivitis cause bad breath and other effects. And as protein "FE", can be excreted with the body metabolism, without any side effects. Use of antibiotics will have side effects and drug resistance problem solved. Fudan University expert Professor Chen Shigen, said the toothpaste is the Study and Research for scientific and technological achievements with independent intellectual property rights, is not the natural bio-based fluoride is the only domestic toothpaste market, the professional bodies through the provincial verify the effectiveness of the above type of toothpaste . Toothpaste packaging, ranging from 3.7-9.8 were labeled "enzyme Index", the higher the index the higher the FE activity factor, not dry brush dampened with water for 3-5 minutes, activity factor can be given full play.

Experts teach you how to Stomach

Second People's Hospital of Fujian Province, Nei Keke Xiaozhu Ren, MD

For high-risk population, maintenance of the stomach is very important. Ke Xiao Zhuren that stomach is the organ of food storage and digestion, eat anything, how can we eat will affect its function.

Ke Zhuren should be noted that the warm nursing, diet to restore and maintain an optimistic state of mind, no matter what ill have to maintain an optimistic spirit, which not only beneficial for the prevention of diseases, even got sick, but also conducive to the rehabilitation of the disease .

Gastroscopy report the most dangerous of the two words

Many people can not read a bit to see endoscopy report, but if the report were found in two words, then you should pay attention to active treatment.

Ke Zhuren introduction, the continuous development of various gastric diseases, will develop into precancerous lesions, the two most important signal is the intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia.

Intestinal metaplasia is inside the stomach cells are constantly stimulated by the poor, changed into the same cell as the intestines, looks like a small intestine called intestinal metaplasia of the same, the same as the large intestine called intestinal metaplasia, now that the large intestine metaplasia is more prone to cancer.

Without dysplasia, that is, cases of precancerous lesions is authentic. In Japan, moderate and severe dysplasia was determined for gastric cancer. At present, moderate dysplasia, as well as heavy emphasis on the non-atypical hyperplasia, are considered high-level cancer, must be closely followed and observed.

Feel nothing disease may be insensitive

Many people want some obvious symptoms of early gastric cancer, thus facilitate the early detection, early gastric cancer 80% have no symptoms, there is also a non-specific symptoms, as nausea, vomiting, vomiting blood, blood in the stool, no rule on repeated abdominal pain, loss of appetite decline, weight loss and fatigue and other symptoms often already advanced the.

Kezhu Ren says that he and many people often wonder why some people can not even minor illness, body great, can suddenly find out a medical examination of cancer to a late. In fact, this may be insensitive to small minor ailments do not feel pain, not the so-called good health, this would be the body of poor performance. Especially with age, the body becomes more and more the feeling of slow, so regular examination of the gastric cancer was found very important. Currently, diagnosis for the early detection of gastric cancer is important, especially in older people, if there is stool black, they should arouse vigilance.

One-third rule should support seven gastric

Ke Xiao Zhuren that, for all kinds of disease, the third by medication, seven by nursed back to health, digestive disease to do the "Five support", that is, warm nursing, nursed back to health diet, avoid certain, be fair to rest and exercise convalesce.

Usually the most important thing is to pay attention to diet nursed back to health, food should be soft, easily digestible food-based. In particular, chronic gastritis, residual gastritis, gastric ulcer, eating problems are not solved properly, can not cure disease. Clinically, chronic stomach's always back and forth, which many people can not resist the temptation of the mouth are related. Therefore, we must manage his mouth, but out on the often little one can do this. For most patients with stomach it, are afraid of cold, so it should be noted in the daily life on warm.

Does not taste bad mood more Shang Wei

Chinese medicine, Concerned angry, love to go rather then or improper diet, catharsis induced liver failure, loss and lower stomach, spleen and stomach injury or chronic illness, resulting in transport of dereliction of duty, phlegm stasis and qi stagnation, blood stasis Noxious Heat, cross resistance in stomach, but fat accumulation in the piece-based disease.

From this, and I feel okay with what you eat all you can about the health of your stomach.

Xiao Ke, said high risk for gastric cancer, gastric dysfunction for the final performance, this is the most direct performance. Western thought such as chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer. "Therefore, not something to have gastritis and other stomach problems or symptoms, the food should be soft, easily digestible food-based. In particular, chronic gastritis, residual gastritis, gastric ulcer, eating problems are not solved properly, can not rule Good disease. "

Stomach not to eat these high-risk groups

Clinically, chronic stomach's always back and forth, which many people can not resist the temptation of the mouth are related. Therefore, we must manage his mouth, but out on the often little one can do this.

Yi Shi:

Porridge, line and plane, bread, soft cooked rice, steamed or stewed lean meat, the row of meat, fish meat, the general principle is suitable to eat soft, easily digestible food.


Eat coarse grains have a role in preventing colon cancer, but this is a prerequisite. Sweet potato is easy to make acid, if stomach, it is best not to eat sweet potatoes, but like bananas, taro, potatoes, oranges, orange and so easy to make acid, gastric acid and more people are unfit for human consumption;

Glutinous rice products, dry powder, cake, bamboo shoots, eating for a block on that, people think inflation is best not to eat;

Cigarettes, alcohol, tea, coffee, orange juice and other drinks, sweets, spicy stimulation products.

Drinking water is more than tea Stomach

In fact, many people have the stomach is to drink tea out of. While the long drink of tea right way, then sooner or later will have to stomach, it seems that more recently from cancer, how do?

Ke Xiao said, Fujianese Aihe Cha, and drink the tea variety, such as black tea, green tea, oolong tea, etc., especially those who like tea should be noted, the best drink is plain water, drink only to satisfy most people's taste needs, not to meet people's health needs. If you have stomach better not to drink tea, but should choose to drink weak tea. Even without the stomach problems, chronic drinking tea may be the stomach to drink.

In addition, even drinking weak tea also distinguish between different types of tea, and according to their constitution to tea. Ke Xiao Zhuren said, from medical point of view, black tea are hot, green tea is cool, oolong tea is in between. Such as spleen Deficiency, an eating cold things cold or a stomachache or diarrhea on people who choose to drink the tea light.

Digestive diseases, people are not in favor of seafood

Yesterday scene Ke Xiao Zhuren question to the families of patients, family members suffering from cancer, he said 4 months ago resection 3 / 4, now in chemotherapy, in the diet should pay attention to? How nourishing the body, fish, meat any better?

Ke Xiao Zhuren that patients with gastric cancer is most important is to eat light, fresh water fish can eat properly, but generally do not stand seafood. Because seafood is a fat thing, is a variant protein, and many gastrointestinal diseases, people are easy to eat allergy, a finish on the abdominal pain, diarrhea. Therefore, it alimentary tract diseases, people do not stand to eat seafood, you can eat on the row to nourish.